Auto Locksmith in Ross on Wye

Locksmith in Ross on Wye- Newent Autolocks - Why choose Us?

What is an Auto Locksmith? – if you’ve ever locked yourself out of your car or needed to get a replacement car key. Then chances are you used an Auto locksmith. An Auto locksmith is a locksmith for cars, motorbikes and vans.
Newent Autolocks are based in Newent, but our autolocksmith service covers Ross on Wye. With our mobile service, we offer a rapid response to your emergency callout.

Emergency Call Out? Need our Help?

Call Newent Autolocks Now!

or contact us for a free quotation.

Emergency call out – car locksmith

Whatever your lock emergency, we have got you covered.

  • Lost car key
  • Stolen car keys
  • Broken car key
  • Car keys Locked inside the car

Callouts available 7 days-a-week – within an hour if required. We offer a mobile service with rapid response times at a fraction of the cost of main dealer’s prices. If you are locked outside of your vehicle, we can be with you in most cases, within the hour.

Mobile Service / Rapid Response
Auto locksmith in Ross on Wye

We offer a mobile service with rapid response times at a fraction of the cost of main dealers prices. If you are locked outside of your vehicle we can be with you, in most cases, within the hour.

  • Replacement keys for lost, broken or stolen car keys.
  • Removal of any snapped car keys from your door locks – new key replacement.
  • Key and remote programming for all types of vehicles old and new.
  • Vehicle access using auto entry tools which are fast and non-destructive.
  • Locks upgraded to new and current insurance specifications.
  • Car keys cut at your home or work

Emergency Call Out? Need our Help?

Call Newent Autolocks Now!

or contact us for a free quotation.


Get Back on the road with Newent Autlocks - Auto locksmith in Ross on Wye